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The Wood Veneer Blog

  • Why do we love wood so much?
    May 4, 2020

    Why do we love wood so much?

    At The Wood Veneer Hub our passion is wood… We eat, live and breathe it, and revel in its beauty. It is the only reason that our existence continues, as trees absorb harmful carbon gasses during photosynthesis – in essence, without...

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  • Acupanel wooden wall panelling leads the way!
    May 4, 2020

    Acupanel wooden wall panelling leads the way!

    Inspired by 70’s wallcoverings, wooden wall paneling has seen a huge revival in popularity in recent years. It's one of the latest trends to hit the interiors industry, with its retro appeal! It has seen many rooms transformed, from unimaginative walls...

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  • The amazing properties of wood!
    May 4, 2020

    The amazing properties of wood!

    Anyone who knows a thing or two about wood would undeniably agree that it has some amazing properties! It’s an immensely versatile material, with an intensity of strength when used for the manufacture of furniture production and even timber framed...

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  • Soundproof your space!
    May 4, 2020

    Soundproof your space!

    As more and more of us choose to work from home, so too does the need for a home office. Whether you are self employed or if your company allows you the option to work from home, having a dedicated...

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  • CubeFlex – the new way to upcycle…
    May 4, 2020

    CubeFlex – the new way to upcycle…

    Also known as ‘creative re-use’, upcycling is fundamentally about updating unwanted or useless products, transforming them to become loved once again! Aside from significantly reducing the number of discarded items, the environmental benefits of upcycling are massive, and fundamentally include...

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  • Customer Showcase: Phil Lyon
    May 4, 2020

    Customer Showcase: Phil Lyon

    Our latest showcase comes from Phil Lyon, a retired Policeman but also a City and Guilds trained Cabinet maker. He has been making furniture for 25 years.

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